Study biomedical signals and images, Matlab, and LabView code
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Matlab code to calculate the voltage on the transmission line
% This matlab code is setup for calculating the voltage on the
% transmission line. The code will then plot the results.
% frequency is 13.5Mhz
% Clear the screen
clear all;
% close all windows
close all;
%% input values
RL = 20; % resistive part of load
CL = 3.3e-9; % capacitive part of load
len = 80; % transmission line length
freq = 13.5e+6; % frequency
omega = 2*pi*freq;
Z0 = 50; % characteristic impedance of line
v = 2e+8; % velocity in RG 58 cable
ZS = 50; % source impedance
%% set up the node measurements with arbitrary values
z_node = [0:4:len]; % equivalent position of nodes on transmission line
V_node = [0 1 2 3.1 4 5 6 7 8.2 9 10 11.4 12 13 14 15 16 17];
V_node = [V_node 18.1 19 20.5];
%%set up phase measurements with arbitrary values
phase_node = [0 1 2 3.1 4 5 6 7 8.2 9 10 11.4 12 13 14 15 16 17];
phase_node = [phase_node 18.1 19 20.5];
%%calculating the transmission line voltage
z = [0:1:len]; % z position on line
ZL = RL - j./omega./CL; % load impedance
V_line = ZL .* z .* exp(-j.*omega.*z./v) ./len;
%% Find the magnitude and angle of the voltage phasor
V_line_mag = abs(V_line);
V_line_deg = 180*angle(V_line)./pi;
%% Plot results
subplot(2,1,1), plot(z,V_line_mag, z_node, V_node, 'o');
title('Unmodified line vs. V magnitude');
ylabel('V magnitude');
legend('trans. line analysis','circuit analysis', 0);
subplot(2,1,2), plot(z,V_line_deg, z_node, phase_node, 'o');
title('Unmodified line vs. phase');
xlabel('z position on line (meters)');
legend('trans. line analysis','circuit analysis', 0);
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