Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Matlab code to perform tomographic reconstruction of a 2-D image based on 1-D projections

BIOM 480A Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
Colorado State University
Student: Minh Anh Nguyen

This assignment leads you through the steps of tomographic reconstruction of a 2-D image based on 1-D projections, such as you might obtain in a CT scanner. Use the “3 objects with sharp edges” .png image file for the work you submit on the following problems. You may find it useful to debug your code with the “1 object with soft edges” .png image file. 

Projection Read about the radon() function in MATLAB as well as the introduction to Radon transformations in Wikipedia.
(a) Read in the .png image file using imread() and then use the radon() function at angles of 0, 45, 90 and 135 degrees to create four projections of it.
Plot these four projections as conventional 1-D graphs on the same page as the original image (use imshow() to display the image) and comment on whether or not they appear to be projections.

Yes, they are projections in 1D.

(b) Why are the number of elements in each projection greater than the number of pixels across the image?
- We want to obtain higher (true) resolution. The projector's resolution is used to determine the sharpness and clarity of the picture on the screen. Resolution is the number of pixels that the projector uses to create an image. High resolution projectors will show more picture details than low resolution projectors; because it required more pixels to make an image and it is more expensive.

(c) You will want more projections to more accurately reconstruct the image, so use radon() to get projections at angles of of 0, 5, 10, 15,... 170 and 175 degrees. Plot the 2D matrix produced by radon() as a grayscale image by normalizing the matrix element values so that they range between 0 and 1 and then using the imshow() function to render the normalized matrix as an image.

(d) Why does the image appear to be fuzzy, overlapping sinusoids (“sonogram”)?
Yes, this is a “Sinogram” because the radon transform of an off-center point source is a sinusoid.  According to the Radon transformations in Wikipedia, “The Radon transform data is often called a sinogram because the Radon transform of a Dirac delta function is a distribution supported on the graph of a sine wave. Consequently the Radon transform of a number of small objects appears graphically as a number of blurred sine waves with different amplitudes and phases.  We collected the projections of a single slice using the parallel scanning arrangement.
Note: there is an inverse Radon transformation function, iradon(), but you are not allowed to use it for any problem in this assignment. 

Numerical Issues with FFTs of Projections 

(a) Plot the phase and amplitude of the 1D FFT of the 90° projection.

(b) Use the 1-D interpolation function, interp(), to double the number of points in the FFT, and then plot the amplitude of the inverse FFT of the interpolated FFT. Be sure to add the interpolated points after you perform the FFT.


(c) How well does the inverse FFT resemble the original projection?  Comment on the reason for any observed changes.

-          The FFT function returns a complex double array of the image. So when you take the real part of the IFFT and then convert it back into original image.

(d)Now truncate the 90° projection data to contain the same number of points across the original image (a power of 2) by deleting regions of zeros at the outsides of the projection. Next, use fftshift() to effectively rotate the truncated projections by half their length. Plot the shifted, truncated projection.  Repeat parts (a) through (c) of this problem using the shifted, truncated projection.

 (f) Given your results to this problem, discuss if you will modify the original projection data before using it to construct a 2D FFT.
Yes, the above projection result is 1D FFT, so we need to convert the projection data before we can construct 2D FFT. 

Constructing a 2D FFT (a) Based on your results from the last problem, manipulate your projection data if desired, take the FFT of each projection, and plot the phase and amplitude of the resulting 1D FFT of the sonogram as a grayscale image. This matrix is effectively a FFT of the original image in polar coordinates.

 (b) To use the ifft2() function in MATLAB to recover the original image, you will need to construct a Cartesian FFT from the polar data.

Use the interp2() and cart2pol() or pol2cart() functions to create a Cartesian version of the FFT with the same number of pixels as the original image. As a check on your conversion, plot the phase and amplitude of both the polar and FFTs along the -45° axis and comment on any differences. [The 2D interpolation may be the most challenging part of this assignment, but the points for succeeding at it are allocated to the next problem which is easy if you got this part right.]

The phase for Cartesian FFT is much cleaner than the phase for polar FFT.  Cartesian FFT has higher amplitude than the polar FFT but it shifted in the frequency range.

Inverting the 2D FFT (a) Use the ifft2() function to invert your Cartesian FFT data. You may need to use the fftshift() function to put the image parts back where they belong. Print your reconstructed image. (b) In one or two well-structured paragraphs (that include good topic sentences and logical structure – talk to the Writing Center if you need to), discuss how your reconstructed image compares with the original. Describe any differences and offer a hypothesis on what causes them. 

The result image was not what I expected. I expected an image of 3 objects with sharp edges with a better resolution instead of one white dot in the middle of the image.  The quality of the reconstruction must increase since we add more projections; however, I did not see this in my final result image. The individual projection can not on my reconstruction image.  I think, there is something wrong with the interpolation step but I am not sure how to fix it.   
I applied the polar scan technique to reconstruction my image instead of the Cartesian. The algorithm for using polar scan method is: after the samples of image are in the polar grid, perform interpolation to rectangular and then take the inverse 2D FFT to get back the image.  As a result, I only saw the half of the circle after I performed the interpolation step. So the result of image is not go outside of my polar value. If I was used the Cartesian scan method, then I would get a better result.
I have followed the reconstruction of image instructions exactly, which are provided in the homework, but I could not get the correct results. I have spent more than 10 hours on this problem and did not get any better image.
There are other methods of tomographic reconstruction including filtered back projection.
If you are desperate, and I do mean desperate (because I will grade this very stringently),
I will give up to 100 points of homework extra credit for a high-quality homework assignment, corresponding detailed solution, and at least one-page handout with related concepts and links to web resources that teach students about filtered back projection. All three parts (assignment, solution and handout) must be submitted and they must be appropriate for direct use in a future class without my editing.

Computer Tomography (CT) image reconstruction is described in the Chapter 13, The Principles of Computer Tomography, of the Biomedical Signals and Image Processing text book.   This chapter explains the following topics of Tomography:  Attenuations Tomography, Time–of-Flight Tomography, Reflection Tomography, Diffraction Tomography, and Fourier Slide Theorem.  From the list of topics one can see that tomographic image reconstruction using filtered back projection is not discussed in this chapter. For this reason I will explain what filtered back projection is and use MATLAB code to show how it works.  The (CT) image reconstruction concept is needed for X-Ray and MRI images, which are described and studied in chapter 14 and 15 of the text book; however, this topic is not an easy concept to understand for some students.
The filtered back projection method is discussed in chapter 25, Computed Tomography (CT) Special Image Techniques of Digital Signal Processing text book [1].  According to chapter 25, there are four CT reconstruction algorithms or techniques to calculate the slice image.  The first method is applying  linear equations to solve and understand the problem. In this method, each measurement would require one equation, and each sample is the sum of pixels in the image.  Most CT scanners will need about 50% more samples than the requirements for this analysis.  For example, the system will take 700 views with 600 samples in each view to reconstruction 512x512 images; the problem with this CT reconstruction method is time consumption. The second CT reconstruction method is to use iterative techniques to calculate the final image in steps.  This technique would need three variations, and these three variations are: the Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (ART), Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT), and Iterative Least Squares Technique (ILST). The difference between these methods is how the successive corrections are made: ray-by-ray, pixel-by-pixel, or simultaneously correcting the entire data set.  For the ART algorithm, all the pixels in the image array are set to some arbitrary value and change the image array to correspond to the profiles.  Each measurement, the measured sample is compared with the sum of the image pixels along the ray of the sample. If all pixel values along the ray are increased, then the rays of sums are lower than the measured sample.  If all pixel values along the ray are decreased, the rays of sums are higher than the measured sample.  Since changes are made for any one measurement, the previous measure values could disrupt the calculations, and a resulting error between the measured and ray sums values might happen. The third method is Fourier reconstruction or Fourier slice theorem, which is explained in chapter 13 of the Biomedical Signals and Image Processing text book.  The fourth method is called filtered backprojection, which is used to correct the blurring image issue that simple backprojection techniques create.  In the backprojection technique, a single point in the true image is reconstructed as a circular region that decreases in intensity away from the center. In another words, a backprojection can be created by smearing each view back through the image in the direction it was originally developed. The final backprojected image is then taken as the sum of all the backprojected views.
            In the filtered backprojection technique, each of the one-dimensional views is convolved with a one-dimensional filter kernel to create a set of filtered views. These filtered views are then backprojected to provide the reconstructed image, a close approximation to the "correct" image. In fact, the image produced by filtered backprojection is identical to the "correct" image when there are an infinite number of views and an infinite number of points per view.  
            The lecture, Medical Imaging Computer Tomography, which was created by the Polytechnic School of Engineering [2], provided a filtered backprojection algorithm. The filtered backprojection algorithm for each angle (θ) is described in the following steps: 1) take 1D-FFT of g(l,θ) for each θ-> G(ρ,θ). 2) Frequency domain filteringG(ρ,θ) -> Q(ρ,θ)=|ρ|G(ρ,θ), 3) take inverse 1D FT: Q(ρ,θ) -> q(l,θ). 4) Backprojecting q(l,θ) to image domain -> bθ(x,y), and 5)Sum of backprojected images for all θ.
            Image reconstruction assignments are made using back-project and filtered backprojection. The CT projections are constructions using the forward radon transform. Use the “3 objects with sharp edges” .png image file from the previous problem. Use MATLAB command “iradon” for filtered back-projection and “i_back” for unfiltered backproject.  
a.       Use Matlab command imread() to read the original “.png” image file and then use imshow() to display the image.
b.       Use command radon() to generate the projections
c.       Use the command mat2gray() to convert to grayscale
d.       Use command iradon() to filtered backproject.
The Matlab code of the assignment is shown in the following text:
clear all; close all; clc;
I = imread('J:\BIOM480A3\Hw7\xid-14412348_1.png');
% Define angle resolution (in degree)
ang_res = 4;
theta = 0:ang_res:180-ang_res;
[R,xp] = radon(I,theta);
figure('Color', 'w'),  imagesc(theta,xp,R)
colormap(hot), colorbar
title('Projections of the 3 objects with sharp edges')
xlabel('Parallel Rotation Angle - \theta (degrees)')
ylabel('Parallel Sensor Position - x\prime (pixels)')

R = radon(I,0:175);
I1 = iradon(R,0:175);
I2 = iradon(R,0:175,'linear','none');
subplot(1,3,1), imshow(I), title('Original of 3 objects with sharp edges')
subplot(1,3,2), imshow(I1), title('Filtered backprojection of 3 objects with sharp edges')
subplot(1,3,3), imshow(I2,[]), title('Unfiltered backprojection of 3 objects with sharp edges')
The original image, the filtered and unfiltered images are displayed in the figure below.

The following matlab code is for filtered back-projection without using iradon function
%% Minh Anh Nguyen
%% filtered baclkprojection testing extra credit
clear all; close all; clc;
I = imread('J:\BIOM480A3\Hw7\xid-14412348_1.png');

figure, subplot (3,2,1),imshow(I), hold off, title('The original image of image 2')
subplot(2,3,1); imagesc(I);
title('3 shape'); xlabel('X'); ylabel('Y');
% set some parameters
freq = 1; % [1/degree];
thetas = 0:1/freq:180-1/freq; subplot(2,3,2)
% compute sinogram with matlab function
sinogram = radon(I,thetas);
imagesc(sinogram); title('Sinogram')
xlabel('\alpha'); ylabel('# parallel projection'); subplot(2,3,3)
% % simple backprojection (schlegel & bille 9.1.2)
% figure out how big our picture is going to be.
ParallelProjections = size(sinogram,1);
AngularProjections  = length(thetas);
% convert thetas to radians
thetas = (pi/180)*thetas;
% set up the backprojected image
 backprojected = zeros(ParallelProjections,ParallelProjections);

% find the middle index of the projections
midindex = floor(ParallelProjections/2) + 1;
% set up the coords of the image
[xCoords,yCoords] = meshgrid(ceil(-ParallelProjections/2):ceil(ParallelProjections/2-1));
% set up filter: now for the spatial domain!!!
filterMode = 'sheppLogan'; % put either 'sheppLogan' or 'ramLak'

if mod(ParallelProjections,2) == 0
    halfFilterSize = floor(1 + ParallelProjections);
    halfFilterSize = floor(ParallelProjections);

if strcmp(filterMode,'ramLak')
    filter = zeros(1,halfFilterSize);
    filter(1:2:halfFilterSize) = -1./([1:2:halfFilterSize].^2 * pi^2);
    filter = [fliplr(filter) 1/4 filter];
elseif strcmp(filterMode,'sheppLogan')
    filter = -2./(pi^2 * (4 * (-halfFilterSize:halfFilterSize).^2 - 1) );

% loop over each projection
for i = 1:AngularProjections

    % figure out which projections to add to which spots
    rotCoords = round(midindex + xCoords*sin(thetas(i)) + yCoords*cos(thetas(i)));

    % check which coords are in bounds
    indices   = find((rotCoords > 0) & (rotCoords <= ParallelProjections));
    newCoords = rotCoords(indices);
    % filter
    filteredProfile = conv(sinogram(:,i),filter,'same');

    % summation
     backprojected(indices) =  backprojected(indices) + filteredProfile(newCoords)./AngularProjections;
    % visualization on the fly
    imagesc( backprojected); title('backprojection without using iradon');


% % find the middle index of the projections
midindex = floor(size(backprojected,1)/2) + 1;

% % prepare filter for frequency domain without normalization
[xCoords,yCoords] = meshgrid(1 - midindex:size(backprojected,1) - midindex);
rampFilter2D      = sqrt(xCoords.^2 + yCoords.^2);
% % 2 D Fourier transformation and sorting
 reconstrution2DFT = fftshift(fft2(backprojected));
 % % Filter in Freq Domain
 reconstrution2DFT = reconstrution2DFT .* rampFilter2D;
% % inverse 2 D fourier transformation and sorting
 reconstrution2DFT = real( ifft2( ifftshift( reconstrution2DFT )));
%  figure
% imagesc(reconstrution2DFT);
% title('Filtered backprojection with ifft2( ifftshift()) function orginal background')
% xlabel('X'); ylabel('Y');

b4= mat2gray(reconstrution2DFT );
subplot(2,3,4); imshow(b4);title('filter backproject image using ifft2(ifftshift()) with gray background');

The original image, the filtered and unfiltered images are displayed in the figure below without using iradon funtion.

The filtered backprojection method is very fast and a direct inversion of the projection formula. It is a correction for scattered non-uniform attenuation, and needs a lot of filtering –a trade-off between the blurring and noise.