Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Matlab code to study the EMG signal.

Problem 11.1 from the textbook except omit all wavelet analysis (e.g.,  part (b)) and add
(d) Calculate the RMS value of the EMG signal. 

(e) Compare the results from the RMS and AVR approach and discuss why they are or are not similar.
-         Based on the results above, the RMS value and AVR value are the similar.
-         The root mean-square (RMS):  calculated by squaring each data point, summing the squares, dividing the sum by the number of observations, and taking the square root.  It represents 0.707 of one half of the peak-to-peak value. RMS value of a signal has a most clear physical meaningful, because it gives a measure of the power of the signal and it reflects the level of the physiological activities in the motor unit during contraction. Therefore, it is used in most applications.  RMS is one of a number of methods used to produce waveforms that are more easily analyzable than the noisy raw EMG.
-         Average rectified EMG (ARV): is a windowed mean of the absolute value of EMG signal; it is a measure of the area under the rectified EMG.  Calculation of ARV involves removing all of the negative phases of the raw EMG (half-wave rectification).
-         Both ARV and RMS provide an estimate of the amplitude of the raw EMG signal.

Problem 11.6 from the textbook except omit all wavelet analysis. Ignore the first 50 data points for EMG6.  

Do you believe that the data for Problem 11.6 was in fact sampled at 60,000 Hz? Explain your belief. Bonus points if you get a conclusive comment from one of the textbook authors.

No, the correct sample frequency is from 2500 -3000Hz.  I contacted and received a response from Dr. Kayvan Najarian, one of the textbook authors.  According to Dr. Kayvan Najarian, “60000Hz is a typo; the sample rate is 3000Hz.” See the attached email

From the Electromyogram analysis note (1), which is prepared by William Rose, the sample rate for adductor longus and tibialis anterior is 2500Hz. 

Adductor longus is a long thick cylindrical muscle, located between the Adductor Brevis (superior) and Adductor Magnus (inferior)

close all; clear all; clc;
%problem 11.1
%%import the data in the file  and plot the signal
problem11_1 =xlsread('\\tsclient\E\BIOM480A3\Hw5\p11_1.xls');
t = problem11_1(:, 1);
y1 = problem11_1(:, 2);
N = length(y1);% find the length of the data per second
ls = size(y1); %% size
f = 1/N;% find the sampling rate or frequency
fs = 3000;
T = 1/fs % period between each sample
t1 = (0 : N-1) *T;%t = (0:1:length(y1)-1)/fs; % sampling period
Nyquist = fs/2;
subplot (3,1,1), plot(t,y1,'b');     
title ('EMG signal of single muscle 40 month old patient ');
xlabel ('time (sec)');
ylabel ('Amplitute (V)');
grid on;
Y= abs(fft(y1));
Y(1) = [];
power = abs(Y(1:N/2)).^2;
nyquist = 1/(2*0.001);
freq = (1:N/2)/(N/2)*nyquist;
subplot(212), plot(freq,power), grid on
xlabel('Sample number (in Frequency)')
ylabel('Power spectrumen');
title({'Single-sided Power spectrum' ...
    ' (Frequency in shown on a log scale)'});
axis tight

%%% RMS of the signal
rms_y1 = sqrt(mean(y1.^2));
msgbox(strcat('RMS of EMG signal is = ',mat2str(rms_y1), ''));
rms_emg = rms (y1);

%%%%%AVR of the signal
arv_y1 = abs(mean(y1));
msgbox(strcat('ARV of EMG signal is = ',mat2str(arv_y1), ''));

%% remove any DC offset of the signal
y2 = detrend(y1);   %% y2 is the singal without DC offset
rec_y = abs(y2);
plot (rec_y);
xlabel('Sample number (in Frequency)')
ylabel('Rectified EMG signal');
title({'Rectified EMG signal' ...
    ' (Frequency in shown on a log scale)'});
xdft = fft(y1);
xdft = xdft(1:N/2+1);
psdx = (1/(fs*N)) * abs(xdft).^2;
psdx(2:end-1) = 2*psdx(2:end-1);
freq = 0:fs/length(y1):fs/2;
grid on
title(' Power spectrum FFT')
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Power/Frequency (dB/Hz)')
%%%  DFT to describe the signal in the frequency
NFFT = 2 ^ nextpow2(N);
Y = fft(y1, NFFT) / N;
f = (fs / 2 * linspace(0, 1, NFFT / 2+1))'; % Vector containing frequencies in Hz
amp = ( 2 * abs(Y(1: NFFT / 2+1))); % Vector containing corresponding amplitudes
plot (f, amp);
title ('plot single-sided amplitude spectrume of the  EMG signal')
xlabel ('frequency (Hz)')
ylabel ('|y(f)|')
grid on;

%%%%%%%%%%% problem 11.6%%%
close all;
clear all;

%%import the data in the file "P-10_3.xls"  and plot the signal
problem11_6 =xlsread('\\tsclient\E\BIOM480A3\Hw5\p_11_6.xls');
Frame = problem11_6(:,1);
LFSW = problem11_6(:,2);
RFSW = problem11_6(:,3);
EMG1 = problem11_6(:,4);
EMG2 = problem11_6(:,5);
EMG3 = problem11_6(:,6);
EMG4 = problem11_6(:,7);
EMG5 = problem11_6(:,8);
EMG6 = problem11_6(:,9);
EMG7 = problem11_6(:,10);
EMG8 = problem11_6(:,11);
EMG9 = problem11_6(:,12);
EMG10 = problem11_6(:,13);
fs = 30000;% sampling rate or frequency (Hz)
N = length(EMG1);% find the length of the data per second
T = 1/fs % period between each sample
ls = size(EMG1); %% size
fs2 = 1/ N;% find the sampling rate or frequency
t = (0 : N-1)/fs;
t1 = (0 : N-1) *T;%t = (0:1:length(y1)-1)/fs; % sampling period
Nyquist = fs/2;
   subplot (3,1,1),plot(Frame,EMG1,'b');     
title ('EMG1 signal ')
xlabel ('Frame')
ylabel ('Amplitute of EMG1 data (v)')
grid on;

Y= abs(fft(EMG1));
Y(1) = [];
power = abs(Y(1:N/2)).^2;
nyquist = 1/(2*0.001);
freq = (1:N/2)/(N/2)*nyquist;
subplot(212), plot(freq,power), grid on
xlabel('Sample number (in Frequency)')
ylabel('Power spectrumen');
title({'Single-sided Power spectrum for EMG1' ...
    ' (Frequency in shown on a log scale)'});
axis tight

%%% RMS of the signal
rms_EMG1 = sqrt(mean(EMG1.^2));
msgbox(strcat('RMS of EMG1 signal is = ',mat2str(rms_EMG1), ''));
rms1 = rms(EMG1);

%%%%%AVR of the signal
arv_EMG1 = mean(abs(EMG1));
msgbox(strcat('ARV of EMG1 signal is = ',mat2str(arv_EMG1), ''));

%% remove any DC offset of the signal
y2 = detrend(EMG1);   %% y2 is the singal without DC offset
rec_y = abs(y2);
plot (rec_y);
xlabel('Sample number (in Frequency)')
ylabel('Rectified EMG1 signal');
title({'Rectified EMG1 signal' ...
    ' (Frequency in shown on a log scale)'});

%% 11.6C%%%

problem11_6 =xlsread('\\tsclient\E\BIOM480A3\Hw5\EMG6.xls');

EMG6 = problem11_6(:,1);
Frame = problem11_6(:,2);
fs = 3000;% sampling rate or frequency (Hz)
N = length(EMG6);% find the length of the data per second
T = 1/fs % period between each sample
ls = size(EMG6); %% size
fs2 = 1/ N;% find the sampling rate or frequency
t = (0 : N-1)/fs;
t1 = (0 : N-1) *T;%t = (0:1:length(y1)-1)/fs; % sampling period
Nyquist = fs/2;
   subplot (3,1,1),plot(Frame,EMG6,'b');    
title ('EMG6 signal ')
xlabel ('Frame (samples at 3000Hz')
ylabel ('Amplitute of EMG6 data (v)')
grid on;

Y= abs(fft(EMG6));
Y(1) = [];
power = abs(Y(1:N/2)).^2;
nyquist = 1/(2*0.001);
freq = (1:N/2)/(N/2)*nyquist;
subplot(212), plot(freq,power), grid on
xlabel('Sample number (Frequency at 3000Hz)')
ylabel('Power spectrumen');
title({'Single-sided Power spectrum for EMG6' ...
    ' (Frequency in shown on a log scale)'});
axis tight

%%% RMS of the signal
rms_EMG6 = sqrt(mean(EMG6.^2));
msgbox(strcat('RMS of EMG6 signal is = ',mat2str(rms_EMG6), ''));

%%%%%AVR of the signal
arv_EMG6 = mean(abs(EMG6));
msgbox(strcat('ARV of EMG6 signal is = ',mat2str(arv_EMG6), ''));

%% remove any DC offset of the signal
y2 = detrend(EMG6);   %% y2 is the singal without DC offset
rec_y = abs(y2);
plot (rec_y);
xlabel('Sample number (Frequency at 3000Hz)')
ylabel('Rectified EMG6 signal');
title({'Rectified EMG6 signal' ...
    ' (Frequency in shown on a log scale)'});
   subplot (3,1,1),plot(Frame,EMG7,'b');    
title ('EMG7 signal ')
xlabel ('Frame (Sample at 3000Hz')
ylabel ('Amplitute of EMG7 data (v)')
grid on;

Y= abs(fft(EMG7));
Y(1) = [];
power = abs(Y(1:N/2)).^2;
nyquist = 1/(2*0.001);
freq = (1:N/2)/(N/2)*nyquist;
subplot(212), plot(freq,power), grid on
xlabel('Sample number (Frequency at 3000Hz)')
ylabel('Power spectrumen');
title({'Single-sided Power spectrum for EMG7' ...
    ' (Frequency in shown on a log scale)'});
axis tight

%%% RMS of the signal
rms_EMG7 = sqrt(mean(EMG7.^2));
msgbox(strcat('RMS of EMG7 signal is = ',mat2str(rms_EMG7), ''));

%%%%%AVR of the signal
arv_EMG7 = mean(abs(EMG7));
msgbox(strcat('ARV of EMG7 signal is = ',mat2str(arv_EMG7), ''));

%% remove any DC offset of the signal
y2 = detrend(EMG7);   %% y2 is the singal without DC offset
rec_y = abs(y2);
plot (rec_y);
xlabel('Sample number (at Frequency 3000Hz)')
ylabel('Rectified EMG7 signal');
title({'Rectified EMG7 signal' ...
    ' (Frequency in shown on a log scale)'});
%%11.6 d and e
EMG6_1 =xlsread('J:\BIOM480A3\Hw5\EMG6.xls');
EMG6 = EMG6_1(:,1);
Frame1 = EMG6_1(:,2);
N1 = length(EMG6);% find the length of the data per second
T = 1/fs % period between each sample
ls1 = size(EMG6); %% size
fs2 = 1/ N1;% find the sampling rate or frequency
t6 = (0 : N1-1)/fs;
t1 = (0 : N1-1) *T; %t = (0:1:length(y1)-1)/fs; % sampling period
Nyquist = fs/2;
%subplot (11),
title ('EMG6 signal ')
xlabel ('Frame (Sample at 3000Hz)')
ylabel ('Amplitute of EMG6 data (v)')
grid on;
   %subplot (12),
title ('EMG7 signal ')
xlabel ('Frame (Sample at 3000Hz)')
ylabel ('Amplitute of EMG7 data (v)')
grid on;
%%%% EMG6 during contraction
y2 = EMG6(780:1350);
Frame12 = Frame1(780:1350);
N2 = length(y2);% find the length of the data per second
t6_2 = (0 : N2-1)/fs;
t1_2 = (0 : N2-1) *T; %t = (0:1:length(y1)-1)/fs; % sampling period
Nyquist = fs/2;
   %subplot (211),
title ('during contraction of EMG6 signal')
xlabel ('Frame (Sample at 3000Hz)')
ylabel ('Amplitute of EMG6 data (v)')
grid on;

%%%  DFT to describe the signal in the frequency
NFFT = 2 ^ nextpow2(N2);
Y = fft(y2, NFFT) / N2;
f = (fs / 2 * linspace(0, 1, NFFT / 2+1))'; % Vector containing frequencies in Hz
amp = ( 2 * abs(Y(1: NFFT / 2+1))); % Vector containing corresponding amplitudes
%subplot (212),
plot (f, amp);
title ('Single-sided amplitude spectrume for during contraction of adductor (EMG6)signal')
xlabel ('frequency (Hz)')
ylabel ('|y(f)|')
grid on;
%%% EMG7 contraction
y3 = EMG7(825:1020);
Frame13 = Frame(825:1020);
N3 = length(y3);% find the length of the data per second
title ('during contraction of EMG7 signal')
xlabel ('Frame (Sample at 3000Hz)')
ylabel ('Amplitute of EMG7 data (v)')
grid on;

%%%  DFT to describe the signal in the frequency
NFFT3 = 2 ^ nextpow2(N3);
Y3 = fft(y3, NFFT3) / N3;
f3 = (fs / 2 * linspace(0, 1, NFFT3 / 2+1))'; % Vector containing frequencies in Hz
amp3 = ( 2 * abs(Y3(1: NFFT3 / 2+1))); % Vector containing corresponding amplitudes
subplot (212),
plot (f3, amp3);
title ('Single-sided amplitude spectrume for during contraction EMG7 signal')
xlabel ('frequency (Hz)')
ylabel ('|y(f)|')
grid on;
%%%% EMG6 during onset
y4 = EMG6(1410:1500);
Frame14 = Frame1(1410:1500);
N4 = length(y4);% find the length of the data per second
   %subplot (211),
title ('during onset of EMG6 signal')
xlabel ('Frame (Sample at 3000Hz)')
ylabel ('Amplitute of EMG6 data (v)')
grid on;
%%%  DFT to describe the signal in the frequency
NFFT4 = 2 ^ nextpow2(N4);
Y4 = fft(y4, NFFT4) / N4;
f4 = (fs / 2 * linspace(0, 1, NFFT4 / 2+1))'; % Vector containing frequencies in Hz
amp4 = ( 2 * abs(Y4(1: NFFT4 / 2+1))); % Vector containing corresponding amplitudes
%subplot (212),
plot (f4, amp4);
title ('Single-sided amplitude spectrume for during onset of adductor (EMG6)signal')
xlabel ('frequency (Hz)')
ylabel ('|y(f)|')
grid on;
%%% EMG7 onset
y5 = EMG7(1055:1300);
Frame15 = Frame(1055:1300);
N5 = length(y5);% find the length of the data per second
title ('during onset of EMG7 signal')
xlabel ('Frame (Sample at 3000Hz)')
ylabel ('Amplitute of EMG7 data (v)')
grid on;
%%%  DFT to describe the signal in the frequency
NFFT5 = 2 ^ nextpow2(N5);
Y5 = fft(y5, NFFT5) / N5;
f5 = (fs / 2 * linspace(0, 1, NFFT5 / 2+1))'; % Vector containing frequencies in Hz
amp5 = ( 2 * abs(Y5(1: NFFT5 / 2+1))); % Vector containing corresponding amplitudes
%subplot (212),
plot (f5, amp5);
title ('Single-sided amplitude spectrume for during onset of EMG7 signal')
xlabel ('frequency (Hz)')
ylabel ('|y(f)|')
grid on;

Electromyogram analysis, William Rose



  1. Vist this

  2. I want to solve this problem but I dont have enough information to analyse it please help me to solve it
    Develop a MATLAB program to compute the turns count in causal moving Windows of duration in the range 50 - 150 ms. Apply the method to the EMG signal in the file emg-dog2.dat. (See also the file emg-dog2.m.) Study the results for different thresholds in the range 0 - 200 μV. Compare the envelope, RMS, and turns count curves in terms of their usefulness as representatives of inspiratory airflow (data provided in the file emg-dog2-flo.dat).

  3. when I implement this code 'rms_y1 = sqrt(mean(y1.^2));
    msgbox(strcat('RMS of EMG signal is = ',mat2str(rms_y1), ''));
    rms_emg = rms (y1);' I just found a contant value like dc signal which is equal=59.9
    but I want to plot a continuing signal

  4. Thank you for the code and explanation. can you provide the input load files please. Because, without that, values and waveform are not proper.
